My operation from Søndre Strøm (aka Sondrestrom, aka Kangerlussuaq) 
GP47pa will start sometime around Wednesday, May 5th.  I will be 
traveling to Søndre Strøm tomorrow and will hopefully not fly the next 
day.  I plan on being there a little less than two weeks.  After that I 
will be returning to Thule FQ56.

Be sure to sign up for my email list at 
<> if you have not already 
done so.  I will send out notices from here with planned times of operation.

Also, a big thank you to everyone that I've worked.  I'm just as excited 
to give out these grids as you are to receive them!

Remember: I will need to have cards printed up when I get home so there 
may be some delay in my reply.  I will QSL all cards sent with SASE, IRC 
or Greenstamp 100% don't worry!

Thanks again everyone!  Get the word out to everyone you know and invite 
those not on the birds, or in ham radio, into your station to make a few 
QSOs and show them how easy it is!


Reid N0RC
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