Hi Doug, 

Here is the best article on the subject with an explanation 
of why and what to do: 


Welcome to satellites! 

Tony AA2TX 
AMSAT, VP Engineering 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Douglas Phelps" <dphel...@ameritech.net> 
To: amsat-bb@amsat.org 
Sent: Wednesday, June 8, 2011 8:59:51 PM 
Subject: [amsat-bb] SSB Operation on the satellites. 

I am new to the satellites. Got to where I can hear my downlink if the bird is 
higher than 15 degrees. My question is about handling the doppler shift. 

If you do not have a sat program automatically correcting you rig frequency, 
what is the most common or preffered technique? 1 - Hold the TX steady and adj 
the RX for doppler or 2- Hold the RX steady and adjust the TX for doppler? I 
know this must be a basic question but I am learning. Thanks, 

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