Certainly desirable Tom, but I've been in Amsat and on the birds since the
'70s and it wasn't until the last couple of years that I got my PC hooked
to my FT-736R!  And then just this year to get it hooked to my FT-817 (IF)

I will say that there's nothing better than PC doppler and rotator
control, having used 3 hands many times in the past.  I would be a
terrible drummer!  But for all fairness, there are a number of reasons
that one may not have PC aided doppler correction so the one true rule
still holds good.

Not a flame, just another opinion.  I'm sure this thread will get some


> A rookie observation….
> That article was written in 1994—well prior to the state of the art in
full doppler correction. I use MacDoppler for adjusting the VFOs and it
happily adjusts both of them. The ONLY time I run into a problem where the
> received station is moving is when it is clear someone is NOT using full
doppler correction.
> I would humbly submit that this being 2011 and both SatPC32 and
> handle full doppler correction, the exception should be the One Tune
> and the norm should be full doppler correction. I know that when I work
someone that is also using full doppler correction, it is a joy as the
radio just happily stays tuned and we move during the whole pass.
> Is the state of the art still such that we are all using radios that do
not support full doppler correction?
> I will put my flame suit on now…
> 73,
> Tom

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