At 07:13 AM 6/27/2011, wrote:
>It took me 5 satellite passes before I could make 1 contact There 
>were too many ops making what sounded like HI POWER multi contacts 
>.This should not have happened. Maybe someone with good writting 
>skills could send the ARRL world above 50 an artical on how to work 
>the birds during FD
>WA4HFN em55  Damon
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Good luck on that.  But if you are able to reach someone at ARRL, 
suggest that any log with more than one satellite entry have his 
100points disqualified.  Do satellite hams actually read "World Above 
50 MHz"?  Better a separate article on working satellite during 
FD.  A lot of stations working the sats on FD do not work satellites 
anytime other than that.

And BTW there are some SSB transponder satellites for use, the 
problem is the majority of satellite users today balk at obtaining 
equipment for anything but working the FM Leos.  Its the old saw: 
"you can lead a horse to water, ...".

Another old saw goes: "you asked for it, now live with it"!

One last rhetorical question: "does anyone recall the last time they 
contacted KL7UW on a satellite?"  Was it FM or SSB?
I'm back to Oscar-Zero where I use JT-65.

73, Ed - KL7UW, WD2XSH/45
BP40IQ   500 KHz - 10-GHz
EME: 50-1.1kw?, 144-1.4kw, 432-100w, 1296-60w, 3400-?
DUBUS Magazine USA Rep

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