At 07:45 AM 7/8/2011, wrote:
>Incredible launch! Unfortunately, view was too obscured by clouds to 
>view from east Orlando for this final launch. God speed to the crew.
>Dave, AA4KN
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It was excellent coverage from NASA-TV.  I had to see the last one.

They were commenting how this is the 30th anniversary of the shuttle 
program and it occurred to me that this month is the 40th anniversary 
of when I began working at Goldstone.  I was there for the final two 
Apollo landings.

I also reflected on my 1999 visit to the Cape visitor center and 
taking the tour.  Unfortunate that was a couple weeks before a 
launch.  My parents wintered outside Orlando in those years.

Hard to believe so many years have passed.

73, Ed - KL7UW, WD2XSH/45
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DUBUS Magazine USA Rep

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