On 8/4/11 11:02 AM, George Henry wrote:
> Correction:  I don't recall the celebration of Gagarin's flight ever being a 
> SIGNIFICANT part of ARISSat-1's mission...

Although Gagarin's flight was undertaken at a time of intense and heated
competition with the United States, it was still a significant
accomplishment and one that the Russians have every right to be proud
of. So I'm not going to begrudge them this.

I am more concerned about the inaccurate reports that say this
spacecraft was built entirely by Russian university students. The
project managers should write a polite note pointing out the facts of
the matter -- that the spacecraft was actually designed and built by US
volunteer radio amateurs under the auspices of AMSAT and NASA and with
significant support from several American corporations. Only the
*science experiment* it is carrying was built by Russian university

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