Nicely DONE Phil !

That's what I'm talking about :)

May I second Dale's motion on the Kudos to Phil


Message: 13

Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2011 18:32:47 -0800

From: Dale Hershberger <<>>

Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: a little perspective


Message-ID: <<>>

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On 8/4/2011 6:13 PM, Phil Karn wrote:

> On 8/3/11 8:21 PM, Jim Jerzycke wrote:


>> At least AO-40 had a usable life for some. This thing is just another

>> squawk box in space, like all the "student" satellites that are using

>> the Amateur Radio frequencies for a free downlink.

> Jim,


> With the successful transponder tests it would seem that you spoke too

> soon. Besides, I really like lemonade.


> As far as I'm concerned, educational satellites carrying student

> scientific experiments are a perfectly legitimate use of the amateur

> spectrum as long as licensed amateurs are centrally involved and the

> experimental data is in the clear and publicly documented.


> I certainly have no objection to two-way transponders for open ham use.

> I'm as delighted as anyone that the ARISSat-1 transponder seems to be

> working well despite its damaged 70cm antenna.


> But AMSAT has been flying linear transponders for over 40 years now, and

> you have to admit they're pretty old hat. When I became a ham in 1971,

> just hearing a satellite direct from space was pretty interesting.

> Actually talking through one was totally beyond cool. You just can't

> expect today's kids to feel that way when they already use the Internet,

> mobile phones, GPS, Sirius/XM and DirecTV every day.


> Ham radio can't possibly survive as a mere communications medium. We

> must emphasize all its other uses, some of which are still unique.


> At the top of that list is *EDUCATION*. Ham radio remains the only way

> for ordinary individuals to learn radio technology hands-on. If you just

> want to talk to people, mobile phones are great. But just try taking one

> apart to see how it works!


> Ordinary individuals can also advance radio technology through ham

> radio. And they can use it for other technical and scientific

> investigations. Although mobile phones and the Internet now provide

> inexpensive, near-ubiquitous communications between any two points on

> earth, they still don't go everywhere. Like near outer space, which ham

> radio reaches easily.


> So using a ham satellite just to link points on the earth that could

> communicate much more easily over the Internet doesn't interest me as

> much as using ham radio to communicate with the satellite itself. And

> satellites have much to "talk" about: camera images, information about

> the satellite itself (i.e., telemetry), scientific data from experiments

> and human-human communications from any astronauts or cosmonauts on

> board. Instead of trying to compete with the Internet, it can complement

> our radio links (e.g., KA2UPW's telemetry repository). This is

> especially handy for satellites in low orbits with short passes over any

> one location.


> Amateur satellites can be so much more than simple transponders; in

> fact, they'll have to be. And I think that's a good trend.


> --Phil




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Well put Phil!  I concur !!


--...  ...--
Jack Buckley
Callsign: W1AKN
Locator: FN41mv - Cape Cod <;))))><

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