Be sure to listen for the voice message from the  Puerto Rican student.
Dave, AA4KN
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: "(kp4tr)Ramon Gonzalez" <>
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2011 08:26:13 
Subject: [amsat-bb]  Arissat from Puerto Rico


Last night KP4WK and myself (KP4TR) listened to Arissat when overhead in Puerto 
Rico last night. In our case we both live in Florida and was out of reach at 
that time, but we each own a remotely operated stations at our parents home. 
This gives us the advantage of listening and maybe working arissat when outside 
our reach over the Atlantic.

My remote radio in San Juan has a computer with SSTV capability so on the 
weekend ill try to capture some images as it flies over puerto rico.

Sent from my Adobe Flash and Java challenged iPhone
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