I was visiting FN95 on my vacation; beautiful hilltop with about nearly 360
degree visibility.  I first caught a 30-degree elevation using my F6A with
stock rubber ducky.  I had to twist it around a bit to find the right best
orientation (horizontal this time) but I got a nice signal the entire pass.
 I hope I have recorded some SSTV that I can decode once I get back home.
 That will be cool!

Next orbit (about 23:58Z Aug 29) it went directly overhead (or close).  This
time I happened to hit the greeting in English, which was clearly audible,
although I did not get as much SSTV.  I probably wasn't tweaking the doppler
enough or getting the orientation right.

Bonus: ISS came over 5 minutes later and I got to ooh and aaah our friends.

Now that I have a few things that work, I can eliminate some of my sources
of trouble at the home QTH, and hopefully get the signal back where I have
the decoding software etc set up!

Whoo-hoo!  This is fun!  And the telemetry sounds like the solar panels are
holding up well even if the battery did not!

Burns, W2BFJ
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