The latest issue of the AMSAT-UK publication OSCAR News highlights the
US NTIA proposal to create a new ITU satellite service for CubeSats
and NanoSats.

The proposal seeks one or more frequency bands, totalling up to 10 MHz
of spectrum, to support command, control, and data relay for
nanosatellites and picosatellites performing a variety of functions.

It proposes that a study be undertaken after WRC 2012 so that the item
be placed on the preliminary agenda for WRC 2019. It is unclear where
the UHF spectrum for a new ITU service would come from.

Read the NTIA proposal 'Studies for identifying up to 10 MHz of
spectrum for space research service in the 400-2025 MHz range for the
operation of nanosatellites and picosatellites'.

Other NTIA WRC documents can be downloaded from
<a href=""; 

OSCAR News is published quarterly by AMSAT-UK and posted to members.
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73 Trevor M5AKA
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