Hi Mike,

I don't use it to control my radios, as I have a custom set of interfaces.  I 
use predict (the text-based one) as the IP server for a homebrew CAT driver, 
and I modified the predict source so that it output the proper strings for 
Az/El control.  Gpredict supports all the pass prediction and planning 
activities, and the graphical eye candy.  Someday I'll combine things and use 
Gpredict for everything, but I haven't gotten to that yet.

And even if I did, my radio is a Yaesu 736R, which has the annoying CAT 
interface that disables the rig's knobs and switches when it's engaged.  So, I 
wouldn't be able to tell.

Sorry, not much help on those points.

Greg  KO6TH

> From: msch...@creative-chaos.com
> To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
> Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2011 07:12:55 -0500
> Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Gpredict
> On Tue, 2011-10-04 at 22:36 -0700, Greg D. wrote:
> > > Easy to install? 
> > 
> > Yes.  I use it on my Linux system, and it "just works".
> Or in other words, it doesn't get in your way while operating. 
> It doesn't override adjustments you make to the frequency on the
> radio unlike for example HRD.
> 73 Mike K5TRI
> www.k5tri.com
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