Hi Jamie

In a separate email I have sent to you an article that I write for Radio
Rivista 9/1993 describing with schematic diagrams and mechanical
drawings my low noise GaAsFET high dinamic range  and high
selectivity cavity preamplifier for 435 MHz with NF=0,43 dB and
gain G = 20 dB

I am using it with great success in my environment area in the bay of
Naples wich is "hot" with a lot of ham activity, local pagers  and FAA

By the way it require a lot of mechanical work but for best performance
it must be tuned for the lowest Noise Figure using only a very simple
diode noise generator that was described in the article.

Unfortunately building low noise preamplifiers and tuning instruments
by yourself in novadays seems to become a RF  "endangered species"

Have fun.

73" de

i8CVS Domenico

----- Original Message -----
From: "James Cutler" <jwcut...@gmail.com>
To: <amsat-bb@amsat.org>
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 2:18 AM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Mast-mounted preamp recommendation?

> All,
> Does anyone have any recommendations on high quality mast-mounted preamps
> for UHF?  We're using the Icom AG-35 and not happy with the noise figure.
>  We're going to try an adjustment described here
> http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/6116.
> We are looking at the amps from ARR and SSB.  Any other recommendations?
> http://www.ssbusa.com/gaasfet.html
> http://www.advancedreceiver.com/page10.html
> Thanks,
> --Jamie
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