On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 08:20:11PM +1100, Tony Langdon wrote:
> At 11:57 AM 11/30/2011, Lowell White wrote:
> >Please enlighten me if indeed there might be a way to get something up 
> >(and to
> >stay up) more economically.
> Well, a bit of physics here.  To get from the Earth's surface to LEO 
> requires 10 km/S of delta-V.  Even if you could get a payload to 

It is an old old idea .

for one link http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/rockoon.htm

I see WB8ELK has been doing it too

Still, getting the right ratio of balloon/rocket is a problem. 
Getting the delta V into LEO is still going to be very hard.

> 73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL
> http://vkradio.com

- 73 Diane VA3DB
- d...@freebsd.org d...@db.net http://www.db.net/~db
  Why leave money to our children if we don't leave them the Earth?
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