Thanks for the update, George.

One note...  The Epoch.txt file is named in all upper case on the website, 
while the program expects it to have only an initial capital "E".  Some systems 
(e.g. Linux) are sensitive to this, and can't find the file.

A simple rename, and all is well.

Greg  KO6TH

> From:
> To:
> Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2011 18:41:17 -0600
> Subject: [amsat-bb] AO-27 status
> Today I received the latest TOPR and EPOCH files for AO-27 from Mike Wyrick, 
> NU3C, and have uploaded them to the AO-27 Satellite Scheduler website so 
> that users of the Java scheduler program can update their files.  Simply 
> download them to the same folder that the Scheduler resides in.  DO NOT use 
> the "Update Data" option from within the program, as it will try to connect 
> to the AO-27 website, which is still down.  (They are working to get it back 
> online.)
> George, KA3HSW
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