At 04:55 PM 12/7/2011, Clint Bradford wrote:
It is your neighbor's sub-par electronics that are not properly filtered/insulated. But no one wants to hear that they need to purchase
a new audio-visual system so a neighbor can play with amateur radio ... (grin)

This is one of our greatest "public relations" problems with the hobby: Educating non-hams as to what we are doing, why it might cause
interference in their setups, and why we like ugly antennas ...

First - 50W for '50 and '27 is ridiculously high power. You are crippling yourself with sub-par antennas for working the LEOs. I mean, a
fifteen dollar tape measure beam and a single Watt gets the job done.

Yep, don't forget that a good antenna and QRP will go a LONG way towards reducing TVI. I've found a few Watts near the horizon down to 200mW at high elevation is all most of the FM birds need, if you have a decent directional antenna. And a directional antenna will also mean less TVI for the neighbour.

73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL

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