Hi Frank.
The next AMSAT satellite due for launch is likely to be Funcube  from 
AMSAT-UK. It will be possible to donate to this project from later  this month 
via the AMSAT-UK web site.
UKube also carries a linear transponder, It's not an 'AMSAT' project, but  
the boards have been provided by AMSAT-UK. Fortunately -and we are REALLY 
lucky  here-  that project is already fully funded by the UK Space  agency
In the meantime, you can use Paypal to donate to Fox at _www.amsat.org_ 
(http://www.amsat.org) . I believe Fox is still  at the advanced design stage 
but this will be a short process due to all the  experience AMSAT-NA have 
gained with ARISSat.
Or you can take the optimists view and support the completion of the  
hardware for P3E. Which if a launch can be identified will be spectacular for  
everyone. (But please let it be able to run on solar power alone!!)
Sorry if I've missed any other projects...but I'm sure they will speak  up
In a message dated 09/12/2011 10:19:33 GMT Standard Time, k4...@k4feg.com  

With all  that has been said here since the "expected" death of AO-51 I 
want to KNOW  what I can do to help move towards whichever, next 
satellite that can be  got into space.
I don't care about the delivery vehicle , whether or not it  is a cube, 
sphere, pyramid or in the shape of a Volkswagen Beetle.
I am  interested in a satellite that can be used by amateurs to 
"communicate" I  have my personal preferences as to what type of 
satellite I would prefer  but *_at this point I don't care what type of 
satellite it  is.
_*I know how to adapt to what ever mode it operates  on.
_*I just want to know WHAT TO SUPPORT AND HOW TO SUPPORT  IT!*_
all I have heard ,"stop the attacks, do this do that"
I still  don't have a clear picture of what is the closest to being ready 
and what  we need to do to facilitate it's completion.I can't support it 
if the  "powers to be" won't tell us what is needed.

Information is power and I  don't have any information on what direction 
we need to  head.

that's my opinion!

*_Lead, follow or get out of the  way!_*

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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