At 02:21 AM 5/31/2012, Eric Knaps, ON4HF wrote:
Today I wanted to use my arrow and portable to make a qso on SO-50. M6DNU (also portable) called me but it took 5 minutes to complete that contact. F2IL was constantly calling cq on top of us. Do these guys even listen to the downlink??
Give portable stations also a change please! We only have 2 watts of rf power.
Where is the "ham spirit" these days?

I'd say he couldn't hear his own downlink. That's certainly a common problem. The best way to deal with these people is if you're within simplex range, call them up on the downlink frequency after the pass and give them a few pointers. I've got a couple of people successfully working satellites that way. Education works wonders. :)

And since you know his callsign, the other way of achieving the same is to send him an email with some friendly tips.

73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL

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