my satellite was that i received on april 22, 1994 after being a ham for just about a year and through the joyful use of ao-10 and ao-13 as well as fo-20 is number 202.

this means that from 1982 to 1994 (12 years) 139 were issued and from 1994 to 2012 (18 years) 126 were issued. pretty interesting statistics. maybe heo satellites had something to do with this. it is a bit difficult to work hawaii and alaska from the right coast.

i also have worked all continents on satellite dated june 17, 1994. it would be impossible for anyone to achieve this award after the demise of ao-40. thus in the last 10 years the award has been inactive.


On 6/8/2012 9:29 AM, Thomas Doyle wrote:
Not sure everyone realizes what an accomplishment it is that Ron N8RO
received his Satellite WAS.

I am not boasting but to show what an achievement this is for Ron consider
In 1982 I received my Sat WAS #63. That is 30 years ago. If my math is
That works out to less than 9 people per year over the last 30 years
a Satellite WAS. Way to go Ron.

73 W9KE Tom Doyle
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