I wonder what 435kw at 28,000 km will do to the surface temperature on that rock? (Assuming it's an icy thing...)

Greg KO6TH

Vince Fiscus, KB7ADL wrote:
At 09:01 AM 2/8/2013 +1100, Tony Langdon <vk3...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 8/02/13 7:49 AM, Bob- W7LRD wrote:
maybe "asteroid bounce"? (EAE)
73 Bob W7LRD
Someone on the moonbounce reflector crunched the numbers and came up with a path loss figure something like 51dB worse than EME, if I recall. The small cross section area was the killer.

73 de Tony VK3JED

Well from the original post:

The Goldstone 70M dish will be running MAX QRO with 435 kW.

That ought to be enough for EAE. HAAAA. CQ asteroid, CQ asteroid!


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