Hi Les.

It may be worth considering a quad. I used a 4 element one for many years on 2m and was very pleased with the results. I even took one in kit form.....wood boom and dowels + wire, to The Gambia and Cyprus and worked 200 stations from each location on AO-13 and AO-10. - At the end of the visit, I dropped it all in the hotel dustbin.

David  G0MRF

-----Original Message-----
From: Les Rayburn <l...@highnoonfilm.com>
To: AMSAT Mailing List <amsat-bb@amsat.org>
Sent: Thu, 6 Jun 2013 5:17
Subject: [amsat-bb] Best Antennas for Attic (Short Booms)

I'm in the process of upgrading my satellite array. Hope to add an AZ/EL rotor system, and build a complete stand-alone satellite antenna system.
Right now, I'm sharing my weak signal Yagis for satellite duty.

I'll be limited in boom length to about six feet maximum due to
construction of the attic itself. Anything longer, and I start bumping
into things. I'd like maximum performance from the space, so I'm
wondering if any short length circular polarization antennas are made
commercially? Everything I can find (at least in the States) are
long-boom affairs.

Feedline will be 3/4" hardline for the 432 antenna, and an SSB
Electronics pre-amp. 2 Meters will get 1/2" hardline for feedline, and
an SSB Electronics pre-amp. Runs are about 50 feet.


Les Rayburn, N1LF
121 Mayfair Park
Maylene, AL 35114

6M VUCC #1712
AMSAT #38965
Grid Bandits #222
Southeastern VHF Society
Central States VHF Society Life Member
Six Club #2484

Active on 6 Meters thru 1296, 10GHz & Light

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