Not that uncommon this time of the year!  Especially on 160-meters and 
80/75-meters, slightly less on 40-meters, the QRN level can be pretty horrid!  
Much of the noise is caused by lightning that can be hundreds of miles away.
Glen, K9STH


 From: Dave Larsen PhD <>
Sent: Friday, August 2, 2013 5:23 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Help with 75 mtr Qrn problem

I have 2 dipoles up at 60+ ft - one set running East-West other North South .. 
From 2.6 to 5 Megs I
have a S-7 Qrn lev at 4 Am .. buy noon I have a 10-20 over QRN Lev .. I live on 
10  acres and have
turned off main power to house and still have QRN .. so not coming from 
anything in house .. This one
has me stumped .. 6 moths ago my Qrn was a S-2 .. waiting for a G6 radio to try 
and track this down
but does anybody else have any idea's ?
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