Fabiano, You beat me to it!

This would be a great idea. The important part would be in the execution.  
First identify a launch opportunity, satellite and budget that is real BEFORE 
launching a kickstarter.  A review of some of the failed Kickstarter schemes 
would be important lesson.

When AO40 launched, I was amazed just to be able to receive the 2M engineering 
beacon with a Standard C508 portable sitting on my dashboard WHILE driving!

One of the incentives could be an inexpensive SDR kit designed specifically to 
receive and decode telemetry, SSTV images and other data. This could get the 
masses interested in the hobby.

For bragging rights, contributors at a higher level would get a Vanity QSL card 
or similar vanity image item (for the unlicensed) stored in the bird and 
randomly displayed on SSTV or HDTV that could be decoded with the SDR kit.

Make the SDR receiver kit portable and IOS and/or Android compatible and you 
have captured the younger demographic.

Maybe some of the radio manufacturers could throw in gear as incentives for 
larger donations.

To mis-quote Frank Zappa, AMSAT is not dead, it just smells bad.

Message: 5
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 18:41:44 +0100
From: Fabiano Moser<fabianomo...@gmail.com>
Cc: amsat-bb<amsat-bb@amsat.org>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: High orbit satellites?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

How manny Amateur Radio whole world can join this Challenge?

What about:


Joe Leikhim

Leikhim and Associates

Communications Consultants

Oviedo, Florida




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