I do not believe the single FM contact per satellite rule has helped.  I
propose we try something else -- we have a powerful east coast station
(W1AW) and a powerful west coast station (K6KPH).  The only FM satellite
contacts that count will be with either station.  They will not work

Just a thought -- 73,
Joe kk0sd

-----Original Message-----
From: amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org [mailto:amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org] On
Behalf Of Stefan Wagener
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 10:16 PM
To: Clint Bradford
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Field Day 2013 - Sats

Hi Clint,

The problem with "field day rules for satellites" is that they are totally
out of line with reality.

Field day for many is to make contacts for the sake of contacts and that's
okay and fine. Collect the points, the contacts and enjoy it. It is a great

However, for many others field day is the one day where amateur radio can
shine and the community can be invited to visit with hot dogs, barbecue and
the whole nine yards. Amateur radio can be demonstrated and many don't care
about points and rules and regs and policies and so on and on. It is all
about getting folks interested and they need to see live contacts on every
available pass. Who cares if you work the same station twenty five times
:-) you are not collecting points you show someone that they also can talk
via satellites and create interest in amateur radio via satellites. Another
great aspect of the hobby. Enjoy it!

The problem is that the "points collectors" and the "free willies" don't
necessary get on the same page and the satellites are very much "difficult
to use" to word it politically correct. If field day would become a
 community exposure day it would change. We have so many other contests and
we can come up with a satellite contest day, just take field day out of the
points collection (for satellites) and we would win BIG time.

My two cents (Canadian)

Stefan, VE4NSA

On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 9:36 PM, Clint Bradford

> I thought that the Field Day rules (both ARRL and AMSAT rules) limited the
> number of contacts for each entrant/submission/club to one QSO per
> satellite.
> Was that correct? Would there be any point in a club making, say, 20
> contacts on Field Day? Would additional points be available for a club
> making more than one QSO per bird?
> And as far as it is known, will the same sat rule be in effect for 2014?
> Thanks.
> Clint K6LCS
> ----------------------------------
> Clint Bradford, K6LCS
> http://www.clintbradford.com
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