----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andy MacAllister" <w5...@swbell.net>
To: "'AMSAT BBS'" <amsat-bb@amsat.org>
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2013 4:37 AM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Amazing New HAMSAT - AO-73!

> Very FB QSOs with NX9B and K8YSE on AO-73 just a few minutes ago.
> 15 deg max elevation pass here in Houston...
> LOTS of activity on the new satellite!
> 73 de Andy W5ACM

Hi Andy, W5ACM

Compare please the actual satellite activity  against how much better
was the epoch 1982 in wich you and many af us partecipated to your
"ZRO TEST" at low squint angle for hours through OSCAR-10 and
OSCAR 13  

My heart bleeds at seeing many satellite old timers suffer so remembering !

73" de i8CVS Domenico

Member of the ZRO TEST "Z9" CLUB Nr 18 

ZRO Memorial Station Engineering Award Z8 Mode B
and Z8 Mode L endorsements
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