On 12/5/13, Clayton Coleman <kayakfis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you are already running TQSL 2.0, it is not necessary to login and
> download the configuration file from the website.  If you launch TQSL
> 2.0 it will check for the new configuration file and ask if you would
> like to update.

I installed TQSL 2.0 on my iMac and I downloaded the updated
configuration but I can't get AO-73 in the listing.  If I check for
updates, I get an error message.

I can load an ADIF file, but that's about it.  I downloaded the
config.tq6 file, but I can't find any informaiton where it should go.

What did I do wrong?  Thanks.


Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL

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