That's an interesting observation Jerry.   Not something we saw during 
commissioning the satellite.
A possible cause would be image response of the dongle.  Do you have the 'zero 
frequency' somewhere between the beacon and the transponder passband? e.g. 
145.945 or off to one side e.g. 145.920?

Other possibility is a large signal in the transponder passband causing the 
beacon to FM.    Is the modulation 'FM' or does it decode as SSB?
David G0MRF

-----Original Message-----
From: n0jy <>
Sent: Fri, 6 Dec 2013 4:40
Subject: [amsat-bb] AO-73 QSOs on the beacon?

During the eclipse passes while copying telemetry with my Funcube Dongle 
Pro + I am hearing SSB QSOs on the beacon frequency.
They usually "walk" across it but what puzzles me is that the website 
info indicates that the transponder passband is well away from the 
beacon frequency.
Am I experiencing some weird stuff with my Dongle or is it possible for 
stations to work on an uplink that puts their downlink on the beacon 

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