On 3/29/14, n0jy <n...@n0jy.org> wrote:
> When Fox-1 is completed, the whole design kit and kaboodle will be
> published to shed the ITAR shroud (as we have done with what has been
> developed as we go along, in the AMSAT-NA Space Symposium Proceedings)
> and anyone who wants to build one can use it or adapt it (hopefully
> keeping the ham transponder!) for their CubeSat RF design and fly it
> in/from/for another country with their experiments.  The idea being as
> JoAnne said, the radio part is proven and provides a platform so they
> can concentrate on their experiments and build a CubeSat that handily
> just happens to contain a transponder for hams during, or when they are
> done with, their experiments.
> Of course if ITAR restrictions are eased or removed, then AMSAT-NA could
> collaborate with other countries as well and incorporate their
> experiments as we are doing with our U.S. partners now.


Thanks.  I'll pass this onto the group.  I figure that it might get
much more support from the ham community if it had something for us.
The satellite will be using some of the spectrum that's been allocated
for amateur use, after all.


Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL
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