On 3/29/14, Michael <mat...@charter.net> wrote:
> Been down this road before.  I have nothing against operators who want
> to work satellites with an HT and a handheld antenna.  I tried it and
> don't see the attraction once the novelty wears off but hey, to each
> their own.  Said it before and I'll say it again,  I think we do
> ourselves a huge disservice by constantly trying to convince people just
> how "easy" it is to work the sats.  Some of us were drawn to this branch
> of the hobby because of the challenge,  not because of how "easy" it
> was.  Operators who don't back down from a challenge  are our
> future..... or they should be.


But we need operators first.

As work on the student cubesat project I'll be involved with
progresses, I plan on setting up my station on campus and showing what
happens during a satellite contact.  Perhaps someone might be
sufficiently impressed that they want to get their own callsign.


Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL
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