hi all... i found in the forum this thread http://amsn.sourceforge.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1565&highlight=music+plugin+listen .

The code was for an old version of music plugin (1.3) so i rearranged it for the latest version (1.5). I have only added te code for listen because banshee is already supported in the new version.
I have attached the .diff file of music.tcl and the script

I have also attached a .tar.gz of the two files (i don't actually know if i did the diff file in the right way)

Hope it helps... and sorry for my bad english!
> 			"Listen" [list GetSongListen TreatSongListen] \
> 	###############################################
> 	# ::music::TreatSongListen                    #
> 	# ------------------------------------------- #
> 	# Gets the current playing song in Listen     #
> 	###############################################
> 	proc TreatSongListen {} {
> 		#Grab the information asynchronously : thanks to Tjikkun
> 		after 0 {::music::exec_async [file join $::music::musicpluginpath "infolisten"]}
> 		return 0
> 	}
> 	###############################################
> 	# ::music::GetSongListen                      #
> 	# ------------------------------------------- #
> 	# Gets the current playing song in Listen     #
> 	###############################################
> 	proc GetSongListen {} {
> 		#actualsong is filled asynchronously in TreatSongListen
> 		#Split the lines into a list and set the variables as appropriate
> 		if { [catch {split $::music::actualsong "\n"} song] } {
> 			#actualsong isn't yet defined by asynchronous exec
> 			return 0
> 		}
> 		if {$song == "0"} {
> 			return 0
> 		} else {
> 			#Define in witch order we want to show the song (from the config)
> 			#Use the separator(from the cong) betwen song and artist
> #			if {$::music::config(songart) == 1} {
> #				append songart $song " " $::music::config(separator) " " $art
> #			} elseif {$::music::config(songart) == 2} {
> #				append songart $art " " $::music::config(separator) " " $song
> #			}
> #			lappend return $songart
> #			lappend return [urldecode [string range $path 5 end]]
> 			return $song
> 		}
> #		return $return
> 	}

Attachment: music.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

#Thanks to Dennis "dweazle" Krul for the bash-magic
#Modified a little for listen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
LISTEN=`ps aux | grep python | grep listen | grep -v grep`
if [ -n "$LISTEN" ] 
        listen -c 
        echo 0 
exit 0
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