thx for this.. I think it's a good thing you found that on the wiki, I never 
think of looking at the wiki... about the 
gif problem it's because tkcximage is not loaded yet... so you might want to do 
a source picture.tcl before the splash 
thing.. this way tkcximage will be loaded... it would be nice if we could 
overlay some text over it.. I think it can be 
done pretty easily now since you use a canvas.. so just put a [canvas create 
text $x $y -text "..."] somewehre in there..
we could put a proc that does this, like "splash_text {text } " and we 
wouldfirst create an empty text, and save it's 
object id, then the splash_text would do a .splash.c itemconfigure $splash_text 
-text $text" ... the splash_text proc 
would be called from every .tcl file we have, for config.tcl for example, we 
could do splash_test [trans loading_config] 
in skin.tcl, it would be splash_text [trans loading_skins], etc... the $x and 
$y positions for the text would be preset 
depending on the image.. and once the skin gets loaded, we could reload the 
image from the skin and destroy/recreate the 
text element in the canvas depending on the skin's keys "splash_text_x" and 
"splash_text_y"... that involves a bit more 
work that what you did and it's an optional thing but it would be nice! 
so.. who volunteers to work on that.. who has time.. Tom maybe? :)
OT : And I'm still waiting to know who volunteers for the video/audio 
assistant... come on, don't tell me everyone from 
the team is tooo busy to work on some specific task... ???


On Fri, Oct 27, 2006 at 06:46:28PM +0200, NoWhereMan wrote:
> (CC'ing from http://amsn.sourceforge.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1902 )
> I already posted a bit of code here to do that (not mine), well took that I
> got to work this crappy thing:
> in amsn, line 96, add
> --------------------
> source splash.tcl
>  splash_start "skins/default/pixmaps/loganim.gif"
> ---------------------
> line 273 (before cmsn_draw_main) add
> ---------------------
> splash_close 2500
> ---------------------
> 2500 is the time to wait before the splash is destroyed (in msecs; you may
> set it to 1000 or don't specify for 0)
> now open up a new file and save it as splash.tcl; put these in there:
> ---------------------
> proc splash_start {imgfile } \
> {
>         wm withdraw .
>         toplevel .splash
>         wm overrideredirect .splash 1
>         canvas .splash.c -highlightt 0 -border 0
>         if {[catch {image create photo splash -file $imgfile}]} \
>         { error "image $imgfile not found" }
>         .splash.c create image 0 0 -anchor nw -image splash
>         foreach {- - width height} [.splash.c bbox all] break
>         .splash.c config -width $width -height $height
>         set wscreen [winfo screenwidth .splash]
>         set hscreen [winfo screenheight .splash]
>         set x [expr {($wscreen - $width) / 2}]
>         set y [expr {($hscreen - $height) / 2}]
>         wm geometry .splash +$x+$y
>         pack .splash.c
>         raise .splash
>         update
> }
> proc splash_close { {delay 0} }\
> {
>         if {$delay > 0} \
>         { after $delay { destroy .splash; wm deiconify . } }
> }
> --------------------------
>  now amsn will show a crappy globe on startup (took from default skin; it's
> not the globe itself to be crappy but the splash as it is :P)
> I wanted to use the amsn banner which you have on the main site, but I
> couldn't figure out how to make that work with images other than gif... I'm
> sure you know how.
> The real thing I'm not sure about regarding such an approach is that a skin
> maker can't design his own splash; on the other hand if you let to do this,
> the splash wouldn't be loaded enough early (parse skin xml and related
> source files and so on) and therefore it would become completely useless
> --
> _____/\/o\/\/here/\/\an_____
> NoWhereBlog: www.nowhereland.it
> deviantArt: http://nowhereland.deviantart.com 
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