- Make sure aMSN works with SOCKS5 proxy
Tested with Phil, and on a server at Hong Kong.

New Complete 0.97 TODO :
- Implement OIM support (task # 133878 and # 135637) (billiob/lephilousophe)
 (make it work behind proxies)
- Implement the new Contact List (task # 133876) (lephilousophe)
- Finish the audio/video assitant (task # 124048) (billiob)
- Finish support for MSN spaces (task # 124063) (scapor/karel/kakaroto)
 (make it work behind proxies)
- Finish the support for custom DPs (task # 125715) (dpcris85)
- Finish the new Skin
- Find a way to really have the 'buttonrelease' behavior on buttons
- Add option to order contacts by status or not in the CL
- Add skin option for colorizing the CurrentMedia in PSM.

Boris FAURE (aka billiob)
mail, msn : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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