autoproxy is very nice, but it doesn't work for https and does not include 
socks proxy, only http proxies..
all it does is to make sure that the username and password and 
Proxy-Authorization header is always added to the 
http requests... 
it 'does' use the registry for proxy config, only for windows though and not 
sure how good it is, all it does is 
get HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet Settings/ProxyEnable
and HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet Settings/ProxyServer
and HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet 

the proxyOverride is supposed to be a list of hosts which should not pass 
through the proxy (like for 
example) and there is no mention of the proxy's password.. 

oh.. I just saw that for non/win, it looks at the environment variable 
'http_proxy' and 'no_proxy' (equivalent 
of proxyoverride) 
that's it..


On Tue, Mar 13, 2007 at 07:47:18AM +0100, Sander Hoentjen wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-03-13 at 07:44 +0100, Karel Demeyer wrote:
> > I'm gonna answer here to be quick;  
> > Why is there a "network" step in the "Webcam" assistant ?  From a
> > user's point of view it doesn't belong there at all.  Network settings
> > are for aMSN as a whole.  If you want the assistant to be more like a
> > "set up aMSN for usage" assistant instead of for webcam/audio only,
> > then it has to be called otherwise and not as "Edit AV settings..."
> > from a menu. 
> > 
> > I'd vote for a "network" tab in preferences instead where all
> > network-stuff would be placed.  We already have some of those network
> > settings in the preferences window.  Maybe on the last page of teh
> > webcam assistant there could be a phrase like "If you have problems
> > with connecting, check your amsn _network_ settings".  Also, can we
> > get some info about network settings (proxies for example) from out
> > desktop environment (windows registry, gnome's gconf, kde, mac ?) 
> > 
> > Karel.
> > 
> Yes, with autoproxy: (i think, have to go to
> work now)
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