Brent wrote:

> I'm starting a hosting company, and I would like some help.  The way I have
> it set up now is that every virtualhost has it's own logfile.  I would like
> to make a basic report for all of them, which is easy, but then also make a
> page for me with all the logs combined to show how much bandwidth each user
> is using.  How can I do this?  I try it now, and it says:
> clip:
> analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Virtual Host Report
> analog: Warning R: Turning off empty User Report
> :clip
> Can someone please help me?  Thanks a ton!

Brent, when you run the combined stats, are you reading all log files? How do
you have your vhosts setup? Can you copy some lines from your config for us to
look at?

Jeremy Wadsack
OutQuest Magazine
a Wadsack-Allen publication

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