I just tried to run Analog 3.1 against an Extended Log File from my IIS4 
server, and got an error that the LogFormat was incorrect. Not being too 
familiar with the Extended Log Format, and bearing in mind Stephens 
comments about Microsofts implementation of Extended Format, I tought 
I'd do a little experiment. 

I copied the 7 line sample log file from the W3 specification for the 
Extended Log Format ( http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-logfile.html ) and ran 
analog against that, and got the same error (I had to add a few extra 
lines of data to get the "Large Number of corrupt lines" message).

Here's what I got from Analog in Debug mode:

F:   Detect that it's in W3 extended format
analog: Warning C: Ignoring corrupt format line in logfile
analog: Warning C:   (reason: time without date or vice versa)
analog: Warning L: Large number of corrupt lines in logfile ext.log: try
  different LOGFORMAT
    Current logfile format:
      #Fields:<W3 extended format string>\n

The Logfile looks like this, and has the #Date field in the header.
#Version: 1.0
#Date: 12-Jan-1996 00:00:00
#Fields: time cs-method cs-uri
00:34:23 GET /foo/bar.html
12:21:16 GET /foo/bar.html
12:45:52 GET /foo/bar.html
12:57:34 GET /foo/bar.html
00:34:23 GET /foo/bar.html
12:21:16 GET /foo/bar.html
12:45:52 GET /foo/bar.html
12:57:34 GET /foo/bar.html
00:34:23 GET /foo/bar.html
12:21:16 GET /foo/bar.html
12:45:52 GET /foo/bar.html
12:57:34 GET /foo/bar.html

(I note that the W3C document specified a Date format of YYYY-MM-DD, but 
provides a sample with a Date of 12-Jan-1996 !)

The documentation suggests that Extended Log Format should work "out of 
the box", so is this a problem at my end, or is there a glitch 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred) |  Aengus Lawlor
who used to be [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  An bhfuil cead agam dul amok?
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