Well, I've got a script going that parses the computer readable output into separate 
files, placing all the info in tables. Can't say it any better that analog's output, 

However, It occured to me, while parsing the data, that the computer-readable report 
contains no information about filtering that may have been done. In a human readable 
report (i.e. HTML) if you only want, say, the top 25 referrers, analog says something 
to that effect in the web page. For the computer-readable output, without reading and 
parsing the analog.cfg file and finding the line REFFLOOR
-25r, the computer reading that data can't know that perhaps, there were originally 
500 referrers but only the top 25 we reported.

I'm also wondering, Stephen, what kind of breakdown of users you have in terms of 
platforms. (You don't have a browser report on your analog stats page.) I'm doing this 
in perl, but can post a W32-compatible executable. Maybe someone else with a perl 
interpreter and compiler can test and compile this when I'm done.

Jeremy Wadsack
The Flagstaff Link

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