Two questions on configuring:

1] Does REFALIAS work on existing logfile lines only? I thought it would
process each REFALIAS sequentially for all lines but it appears not to.
For example, it occurred to me that almost every server support as and alias for (or vice
versa). So I thought putting
    REFALIAS http://* http://www.*
    REFALIAS http://www.www.* http://www.*
would convert all such instances, but I end up just prepending www. to
ALL referring hosts. Is there a way to do this? Is this a bad idea?

2] I'm getting a lot of corrupt logfile lines in my MS-EXTENDED files
(about 18%). I cooked up my own logformat syntax like this:
LOGFORMAT (%Y-%m-%d %h:%n:%j %S %j %r %q %c %j %j %b %j %j %A %u %f)
for a field line like this:
#Fields: date time c-ip cs-username cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query
sc-status sc-win32-status sc-bytes cs-bytes time-taken cs-version
cs(User-Agent) cs(Cookie) cs(Referer)
in order to process cookies, and I've cut the bad logfiles in half (with
or without the %u for cookies). How is this different from what analog
creates? Most of the corrupt lines contain queries with characters like
'/', ':', and '|'. Are these illegal in a query (I don't remember)? Are
these what's tripping analog up?


Jeremy Wadsack
The Flagstaff Link

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