> Hi,
> I compiled Analog for Linux - no apparent problems.  I installed it in
> /usr/home/analog/......
> However, when I try to run it, I get the message:
> /usr/home/analog/analog: Warning F: Failed to open configuration
> file
>   /usr/local/etc/httpd/analog/analog.cfg: ignoring it
>   (For help on all errors and warnings, see docs/errors.html)
> /usr/home/analog/analog: Warning F: Failed to open language file
>   /usr/local/etc/httpd/analog/lang/uk.lng: ignoring it
> /usr/home/analog/analog: Fatal error: Can't find language file
>   /usr/local/etc/httpd/analog/lang/uk.lng: exiting

In order to run analog you MUST have a configuration file (either
analog.cfg or one you specify on the command line) and the language files.
You can download the set of langauge files in any of the packages from on
of the mirror sites. If you just copy the /lang/ directory out of the
package that should work for you. (Though I would haave thought they
shipped with the source you compiled?)

If these files are on your system then analog is probably not running from
it's home directory.


Jeremy Wadsack
The Flagstaff Link

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