You can use the %Y%m feature in Analog 3.3 to name the output file based on the
date. There is now way (that I know of) to tell NT to use dates as a filename.


Jeremy Wadsack
OutQuest Magazine
a Wadsack-Allen publication

Adrian Illetschko wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I am running analog on a NT server, and I'm using a batch file to run analog
> automatically every month. Until now I wrote a batch file for each month to
> use the right logfile and outfile. But now I would like to use one batch
> file to automatically uses the right log- and outfile according to date. But
> I have no experience at all with batch files, so I can't get it work.
> At the moment it looks like:
> d:
> cd \analog
> analog +gfr.cfg   d:\logfiles\ex9905.log   +Od:\stats\frstat9905.html
> How can I change the dates automatically every month?
> Thanks for your help,
> Adrian
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