Jeff Longland wrote:

> I'm currently attempting to run Analog 3.19B on an NT IIS 4 machine.  I
> have taken a some what unorthodox method to run Analog.  My ISP doesn't
> support Perl files, hence I can't use the CGI script to run Analog.  So
> here's what I've done.  I've placed analog.exe, analog.cfg and all the
> necessary language files in my cgi-bin.  I then call analog.exe by going
> to  Analog will run and create my output
> file in the cgi-bin.  But this brings me to the next problem - viewing
> the file!  I can't view an html file in my cgi-bin.

> So I changed my output line in my config file to:
> OUTFILE e:\InetPub\Clients\\stats.htm
> Then I go back and run analog.exe and I get the following error:
> The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set
> of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:
> e:\InetPub\Clients\\cgi-bin\analog.exe: Fatal error:
>   failed to open output file
>   e:\InetPub\Clients\\stats.htm for writing: exiting
>   (For help on all errors and warnings, see docs/errors.html)

Somewhat unorthodox and not recommended. Analog.exe is NOT a CGI program and
will not behave right. If Analog outputs anything you'll get the 'Misbehaved
CGI' error or just a 500 Server Error otherwise you'll get a 'document
contained no data'. For a Win32 executable version of the 3.90Beta1 form
interface see my previous posting today.

As for the error returned, Analog is run as IUSR_WWW (or similar) and
unprivaledged user on the system. This user has only read access to most of
the web area and execute access to the cgi-bin directory. IUSR_WWW never has
write access to the system (you don't want people browsing your website to be
able to write to the system!) so Analog can't create the output file.


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Publishing

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