"Jorge Baez Zuasti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>i'm talking about 1/2 million asp pages per day... (?). 
>here it is the report:

You snipped the first line of the report, which, by default says:

Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the 
amount of traffic. 

>requests:  %pet.: %bytes: extension
>--------: ------: ------: ---------
>16120760: 46.63%: 38.42%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language]
> 5704735: 16.50%: 24.26%: [directorios] 
>    1319:       :  0.15%: .mp3
>     318:       :  0.55%: .mpg
> 3652644: 10.56%:  0.37%: [unlisted: 46 extensions]
>And the first ASP entry:
>requests:  file
>--------: ------ 
>345787:         /kalgan/ListaUser.asp

The default floor for the File type report is 0.1% of bytes - 
/kalgan/ListaUser.asp has a lot of hits, but it obviously isn't 
generating a lot of traffic, byte-wise.

Try TYPEFLOOR 10000r

(you might also want to add TYPESORTBY REQUESTS, in this case - it's not 
necessary, but there's a certain logic to it).


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