Dave Watson wrote:

>You said I need "to change our server's logformat to store the 
>virtual host data, then adjust the LOGFORMAT to include %v". 
>These two logformats are in the same file. Each line 
>distinguishes whether a visitor is going to www.csct.ltd.uk or 
>www.counsellingtraining.com (I gave an example of each above) - 
>isn't this all I need?

First of all, a quick glance at the home page would suggest that 
you don't have 2 sites at all, you have 1 site with two names. 
That may seem like a pedantic distinction to you, but for most 
people, a single server hosting 2 different sites will produce 
either 2 log files, or a single log file with an indication in 
each entry for which site it refers to. Anything else suggests 
that the web server hasn't been configured properly. In your 
case, there's only one site, and only one log file - the server 
is configured properly.

The lines you provide don't unambiguously identify which address 
the user used, because that information isn't usually logged.

>From your original note:

> mailhost.csct.ltd.uk - - [25/Jul/2000:11:04:30 +0100] "GET 
> /acatalog/Books-Grey.GIF HTTP/1.0" 200 667
> "http://www.csct.ltd.uk/acatalog/index.html" "Mozilla/4.0 
> (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)"

mailhost.csct.ltd.uk is the Client address - it doesn't tell you 
which of your two servers was visited. 
"http://www.csct.ltd.uk/acatalog/index.html" is the referrer 
field - it just tells you where the link that brought the user 
to Books-Grey.GIF was, In this case, it's a fair bet that the 
address used was csct.ltd.uk, but what if the referrer is 
www.altavista.com? Which server did I visit?

>The site is being hosted by UUNET so is it a case of just 
>asking them for the change to be made?

If you want to have Analog treat a single site as two sites, 
you'll have to have information in the log file to do it. It 
might be possible for UUNet to add that information to your log 
configuration, but it will depend on the s/w they are using (a 
quick check indicates that IIS won't log the actual Host Header 
used. I don't know if Apache will).

If you just want to get a feel for which of your addresses is more 
widely used, try the REFSITE report. Because each image entry (like the 
example above) will indicate which address was used in the page the 
image is contained in, "internal referrers" are almost always at the top 
of the list.

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