Jeremy Wadsack wrote:

>Aengus Lawlor wrote:
>> I need to look for some patterns going back over a month or two, and I'd
>> like to use the Full Hourly report, but, even though many of the hours are 
>> empty, they are still displayed. I'd like to set a "floor" for the hourly 
>> report, so that it only displays hours in which there was actual traffic. 
>> The FLOOR commands don't apply to the Time reports.
>> Any suggestions?
>What you are suggesting would create a mis-guided report (IMHO). By dropping 
>data with no value, expecially when temporally sequenced, would lead you to 
>conclusions about your data that may not be accurate.

That argument can be applied to any report with a floor - I don't think 
time reports would be especially misleading.

> Perhaps what you really are looking for is a running (say seven-day) average 
>or some other curve-approximation?

Nope, I just want to see the traffic spikes. Specifically, I want to see 
if some recent events that required a server to be rebooted might be 
related to a traffic spike on one particular VHost. I want to use the 
FULLHOURLY report almost as designed, but I want to quickly pick out the 
spikes, rather than scrolling through a 2,000 line report. (Or longer, 
if I decided I need to go to the 5 minute or quarter hour report).

I took the slightly more laborious step of checking the window around 
each of the reboots, to see if there was a spike immediately preceding 
it, and there doesn't appear to be. As I under stand it, the main 
purpose of the time reports is to give you a visual clue about your 
traffic patterns. This is what I was trying to get, without the 
"clutter" of lots of empty space (yeah, I know that sounds 

And this may be unusual - I'm looking at a site that gets one or two 
hits per hour most of the time, with 3 or 4 hourly periods per week 
where it gets a couple of hundred hits. I'm interested in maybe 40 
hourly periods in the last 2,100, and they don't occur regularly. I 
thought I'd be able to get some quick and dirty data from Analog that I 
could use to make a decision about how to proceed in this case.

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