a. there are plans to make real stats ?  f.ex. if you log and generate
stats on a dedicated machine..

b. I've the rule REFREPEXCLUDE http://www.myserver.com/*
    But I'm still seeing     www.myserver.com  on REFERRER and REFERSITE


c. on REFERSITE I can see  localhost:1234
    I've not enabled this port, why appears ?

d. I've cached reports for all my customer's virtual hosts under
/var/cache/  and for my own virtual hosts under /var/cache/myown/
    I run analog_global with CACHEFILE /var/cache/*  in order to process

global stats from all customer's virtual hosts
    It seems that works and I've stats for each virtual host and then
global stats !

    Then I run analog_total with:
    CACHEFILE /var/cache/*
    CACHEFILE /var/cache/myown/*
    In order to have stats from all customers and my own virtual hosts,
it seems to work except for:
    Number of machines (cannot disctint between machines that have
browse myown doms and customer doms and thinks that are different
    and Transmited Data and Succesfull Requests are OK ;-)

I'll report a site with my own explanation on how to make global stats
acumulattive and stats per virtual host acumulattive.

thanks for that great piece of soft !

Jaume Teixi
    Administrador de Sistemes
    6TEMS - Ducform, SA

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