Vigdor Schreibman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

>> Since you are obviously unfamiliar with the DOS command line and
>> it's services (like the edit program) I suggest another route. In
>> Windows Explorer, find the folder where your installed Analog. Find
>> the file in that folder called analog.cfg. If you double click this
>> file Windows will probably give you a list of programs asking you
>> which you want to use to run it. Choose Notepad. When notepad
>> opens, add the command "ERRFILE errors.txt" to the file. Save your
>> changes. Run Analog by double clicking the analog.exe icon. When
>> it's done (the window will close), open the errors.txt file that it
>> created in the same folder and look at the messages.
>> Now that you have something to go on, take a look at the Analog
>> documentation (in the docs folder where Analog is installed) for tips
>> on what to do with the problems that it has. You might also want to
>> read the file called startpc.html which lays this all out in details.

>     I have produced the errors.txt file suggested.  This includes
>     many warnings "time without date" and "corrupt lines in logfile"
>     requiring change in the LOGFORMAT.

No this requires a change to the log files themselves. Analog needs to
have the date on each line of the log file. This is covered in the FAQ
( You can use one of the
Helper Applications to covert your existing logs, but for the future
you should change your webserver settings to include the date on each
line of the log files.

>   Looking through the
>     help files with regard to this error message the following is 
>     change is recommended:
> Microsoft log, North American dates, LOGFORMAT MICROSOFT-NA 
>, -, 12/25/98, 17:45:35, W3SVC1, HOST1,,
>       2178, 303, 1243, 200, 0, GET, /~sret1/, -,

If you are getting 'time without date' messages, then you are using
W3C Extended format, not Microsoft format log files (those have the
date on each line). For W3C Extended format log files you DO NOT need
a LOGFORMAT command. The files are self-describing and Analog can
always parse them.


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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