On Fri, 27 Aug 2004, Uriel Wittenberg wrote:

> Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 10:23:57 -0400
> From: Uriel Wittenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [analog-help] http://www.[anysite] = http://[anysite]
> > REFALIAS http://www.* http://*
> But that translates
> http://www.[anysite] to http://[anysite]
> , which is sometimes wrong.

It's also sometimes wrong to add a www. For instance, what if it's a page 
on MIT's web site? (http://web.mit.edu/). There really is no easy way to 
combine the entries.

> I'd like the translation to go the other way.
> >Otherwise http://www.site.com would translate to http://www.www.site.com.
> It's to avoid that that I need regular expressions.

I'm not sure if Analog supports full perl regular expressions, but if it does:
will match a URL that does not begin with www.

It might be advantageous to use this instead:

That will match only URLs with two parts in the hostname, hopefully fixing 
at least some of the problems that result from prepending www. 

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