On Monday, February 28, 2005 11:43 AM [GMT],
helen hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there any way to show which country visitors are coming from on
> the analog report.
> Your help is much appreciated!

If a user is coming from an IP address that is registered to
"country-code" domain (such as .ca, .de, .fr, .ie, .es, .za, .uk, .nl,
.it etc), then the Domain report can show this. But, just as in the US,
many ISPs all over the world use the international .com and .net
domains, so you can be fairly certain that not all of your Canadian
visitors, for example, will have a .ca domain name.

There have been a number of discussions about this type of issue in the
past - here are some links to threads that occurred about 2 years ago:

The domain report can be used to show visits where the domains


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