On Monday, March 14, 2005 5:35 PM [GMT],
Kirsten Warweg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear members of the analog help list,
> using the analog web log analyzer, I've one question:
> How can I find out, how many (different) people actually visited my
> webpages? Unfortunately, the number of hosts doesn't give any
> information about the number of different visitors, as it only
> reports the number of requests send by internet service providers,
> doesn't it?

Analog can only report on the information in your log files. If you
don't have your users log in using a username/password, then there isn't
any standard way of recognizing "users". The Host report reports on the
number of individual IP addresses that occur in the log file which has
historically been used to give some indication of the number of
"visitors", as long as you are aware of the caveats involved.



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