On Saturday, March 26, 2005 8:36 PM [GMT],
ondrej ilincev : ilincev.com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> can you help me configure the LOGFORMAT variables? here is the log
> line:
> - - [31/Mar/2004:09:50:45 +0200] "GET
> /images/03colour.gif HTTP/1.1" 304 -
> "http://www.ilincev.com/czech/navigation.html"; "Mozilla/4.0
> (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)" 18657 0

Have you read the documentation?

LOGFORMAT (%s - - [%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j] "%j %r %j" %c %j "%f" "%B" %b %j)
will give a result, but as you haven't given any hint about what the
server is, or what it specifies for it's log format, I'm just guessing
that the 2nd last field is bytes transferred (18k for a 304 would be
pretty unusual).


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