On Friday, April 08, 2005 2:40 AM [GMT],
Murali Bestha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> This was exactly the problem. The OUTPUT type xhtml was not working
> and I have changed the OUTPUIT to HTML. It started working fine.

Well spotted. XHTML has been the default output since Version 5.90beta1

I guess anlgform.pl should be modified to default to OUTPUT HTML.

> 1. Is there any Java implementation for using the Analog? We have a
> web based admin system. I need to provide web based GUI in which the
> Admin user selects all the commands like DAILYREP etc., and ask for a
> report. The server should have some Servlet kind of program, which can
> contact the Analog, generate a report and display it to the user. I
> could achive this with the HTML form and Perl program that are
> supplied as samples along with the install kit of Analog. But I need
> one with Java. I am looking into that Perl program, but its greek and
> latin to me, as I never knwo abt Perl.

If anyone has created a servlet version of anlgform, they haven't
submitted it, as far as I'm aware.

> 2. Need another suggestion in General Summary.
> I file based report like
> Number of HTML requests: 1042035
> Number of script requests: 69784
> Number of non-HTML requests: 0
> Number of malformed requests (all dates): 494865
> etc. Can we achive this with Analog6.0?

Not directly. You can probably get Analog to generate the data, but not
in that format, so you might need to post-process it. (Though I'm not
sure how you would define a malformed request).


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