On Wednesday, April 13, 2005 10:08 AM [GMT],
Andrew Nix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Warning L: logfiles
>   /logs/webserver/server1/de/http/access.complete.200502150000.Z and
> /logs/webserver/server1/de/http/access.complete.200502160000.Z
>   overlap: possible double counting
> It seems to be suggesting that the logs for subsequent days share at
> least some of the same information.  Does anyone know of a method to
> override these errors and get the reports to run?

It's not an error, it's a warning. Analog doesn't stop running on
warnings. It is perfectly normal to have overlapping logfiles, if you
are analysing logs from more than one server, but Analog provides a
warning in case you have inadvertently duplicated your logfiles.

If you just run Analog separately against each of 2 of the overlapping
logs, you will get an idea of what the overlap involves. It might
involve just one or two seconds worth at the beginning and end of the
log (perhaps the log doesn't include seconds, and the log rotation
occurs in the middle of a minute, so that there are some entries for
12:00 in both logs, for example).


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